Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"that's what she said"

kibbles : this toast is loud
isabelle : hahaha
kibbles : i feel very self-conscious eating it
isabelle : don't be weird.
kibbles : oh no i almost said "that's what she said"
kibbles : but i don't know if you're in on that joke
isabelle : what?
kibbles : do you watch the office?
isabelle : yeah
kibbles : you know how michael always says "that's what she said"
isabelle : yayuh
kibbles : seems like everyone i know has decided to start saying "that's what she said"
kibbles : like, my dad says it. it's weird.
isabelle : dude.
isabelle : the context has to be right.
isabelle : 'don't be weird' is not really that good.
isabelle : here's an example
isabelle : i was trying to park at home and i passed by this spot and turned around
isabelle : and then when i got to the other side of the street, i was like, 'oh. i'll totally fit there.'
isabelle : so i turned back around and said to jack, 'it's bigger than it seems when you're getting in it'
isabelle : 'that's what she said'
kibbles : ohhh shit
kibbles : jack says it too
kibbles : fuck
isabelle : everyone says it.
isabelle : snowball says it
kibbles : serial
isabelle : forrilla
kibbles : hee hee
kibbles : i had a high school feeling experience last night
isabelle : i'm not sure whether that's good or bad
kibbles : it was very "um."
kibbles : i went to a reading, this writer tao lin was reading
kibbles : and i have these thoughts about him like he's "really cool," as in, he appeals to my vanity
kibbles : and he came to my dinner party after the reading
kibbles : and there were some dorky people there
kibbles : and i felt embarrassed
kibbles : high school.
kibbles : like this one guy stan who does raver hip hop dances in our kitchen
kibbles : but he's like a 35 year old white guy
kibbles : but we always invite him to come back cuz he brings hash
isabelle : hahaha
isabelle : high school.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

michael jackson is dead, raves are not dead

kibbles : god.
kibbles : mj.
snowball: i know dude. i had to call my dad about it.
snowball: he was shocked!
kibbles : yea ...
kibbles : he was only 50!
snowball: ferreals.
snowball: it blows my mind
kibbles : i feel sad
kibbles : i mean mj was the embodiment of optimism back in the day...
snowball: i know, my dad was saying the same thing.
snowball: he would make us watch moonwalker when we were being bad
snowball: cause the kids in the movie were bad
snowball: but turned good after hanging with MJ
snowball: *ironic, much?
kibbles : aw... that is pretty ironic.
kibbles : man.
snowball: yeah, dad LOVES MJ
snowball: he said he's gonna record all his MJ VHS's onto DVD's when he gets home tonight
kibbles : that is so sweet. is he traumatized?
snowball: not sure. but he thought i was making it up when i called him
snowball: he's probably somewhere in fremont tripping the fuck out and telling everyone he has in his cell phone all about it
kibbles : ha i just texted my three bfs for sure
kibbles : and they were like
kibbles : do we need to come get you
snowball: ha!
snowball: that's awesome
kibbles : can you leave work and go smoke a tribute blizzie
kibbles : and im like, no
snowball: ah...what a nice suggestion, though.


kibbles : i didn't even know people still "raved"
snowball: it's a sad fact, isnt it?
kibbles : please tell me they weren't wearing ufos
snowball: if they weren't, they should've.
snowball: if jnco stovepipe pants come back i may have to move to canada
snowball: where the influence of ravers can't touch me
kibbles : oh GOD i went to see a few friends the other day and one of htem was wearing jincos
kibbles : i almost asked him to change
snowball: OMG WHY?!?!?
snowball: why would they do that?!?!
kibbles : he was a house dj like 8 years ago
snowball: were they the ones with the reflective strip down the sides!?!?
kibbles : and then he stopped "keeping up with the kids"
kibbles : snowball, they were jeans
snowball: oh god
kibbles : jinco jeans
kibbles : i mean i don't care that much about fashion (in a sense), like more accurately, maybe things like hygeine
kibbles : my friend jesse came over stinking like he obviously hadn't bathed in about a week the other day,
kibbles : and that was fine
kibbles : but there is a line, and that line is 90s skater/rave fashion
snowball: YES.
snowball: NOOO!!!
kibbles : death.
snowball: so cool, they make your shoes "disappear".
kibbles : he's on fire:
kibbles :
snowball: UM..anyone whose anyone knows that you cannot wear JUST a white tee with jnco jeans. and no candies?!?! shame shame...
kibbles : well if he turned around, you'd see the pacifier in his mouth
snowball: ah yes, that's true.
snowball: or mask filled with vicks!
kibbles : oh GOD. i still can't stand the smell
snowball: i like vicks on it's own...but sometimes i get a whiff and i swear it takes me back to the first rave i ever went to. it smelled of stale vicks and booty sweat. so gross.
kibbles : yea i remember being really freaked out about that cuz my grandma used to rub vicks under my nose before bed and it was like grandma was at the rave somehow
snowball: grandma WAS the rave.
kibbles : HAHAHA ohhhh man.
kibbles : although i will say she is responsible for my obsession with the movie "overboard." go grandma
snowball: thats hilarious.
snowball: grandmas are cool by default.
kibbles : where goldie hawn and kurt russel cross, there can be no cultural schisms.
kibbles : and yea... agreed on grandma coolness

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

radom effluvia is nice.

i am starting this blog to put stuff that isn't deep or weird, which is my other blog and what i do in my room. this blog will include funny stuff. also it will include (or mostly) im's between me and my co-worker because my im's to her are better than anything i actually publish.

kibbles : but i am on im.
kibbles : woman.
kibbles : how about this:
kibbles : "i hate this job."
kibbles : zing.
kibbles : david told me last night that he would go vegan if i started liking baseball.
kibbles : i am doing it for the animals.
kibbles : i have this ridiculous pink hat that just says "baseball" on it with a generic guy with a bat that i am going to wear around him now.
isabelle : what are we talking about?
isabelle : who hates their job?
isabelle : who likes baseball
kibbles : oh "i hate my job" was me. "zing." i hate my job. not always. just when rich from albertsons is proving that everyone named richard is a dick.
kibbles : david is the guy who likes the cure and skulls.
kibbles : so these are random topics.
isabelle : right, i know who david is..
isabelle : i was just confused at the onslought of topics.
kibbles : oh, i see. yes it's random day. zebra.
isabelle : jello
kibbles : bodyhurt
isabelle : remote control
isabelle : (this could be a beck song)
kibbles : don't take my water bottle.
isabelle : emergency room
kibbles : 808 and heart control
isabelle : if you wanna get paid, you best submit that time sheet
kibbles : hey, that's not random you bitch
kibbles : hold on
isabelle : haha
kibbles : ok i just sent it and don't take my water bottle.
isabelle : tascam four track
kibbles : anger is complete, will destroy yo888(&*%)_
isabelle : all you anger are belong to us.
isabelle : *your
kibbles : mites. mites. kerrkerrkerr
isabelle : gay fish
kibbles : put gay fish in your mouth
isabelle : hahahhaha
isabelle : why does it say you're offline?
isabelle : are you invisible?
kibbles : idunno.
isabelle : you're invisible.
isabelle : ooh i love that feature.
kibbles : yes?
isabelle : i forgot about it...i don't think i have it on mine.
kibbles : new girl's looking good. her bad style is a turn on.
isabelle : hahah she's cute but she has some clothes.
isabelle : mango.
kibbles : eye blue stab